


HKEX ·  May 29, 2024 20:21

Summary by Futu AI

商湯集團股份有限公司(簡稱「商湯」)於2024年5月29日宣布,建議任命林達華博士為執行董事,該提名將在2024年6月26日的年度股東大會上提出。林博士是公司的聯合創始人及人工智能基礎設施和大模型首席科學家,自2014年11月加入商湯,並在香港中文大學及其他機構擔任多項學術職務。林博士未在其他上市公司擔任董事職務,與商湯的其他董事、高級管理層或主要股東無關聯。若股東大會通過任命,林博士將與公司簽訂三年服務合約。林博士透過SenseTalent Management Limited持有約0.29%的B類股份,並對其家庭成員持有的股份擁有權益。商湯表示,除已披露資訊外,無其他須提請股東注意的事項。
商湯集團股份有限公司(簡稱「商湯」)於2024年5月29日宣布,建議任命林達華博士為執行董事,該提名將在2024年6月26日的年度股東大會上提出。林博士是公司的聯合創始人及人工智能基礎設施和大模型首席科學家,自2014年11月加入商湯,並在香港中文大學及其他機構擔任多項學術職務。林博士未在其他上市公司擔任董事職務,與商湯的其他董事、高級管理層或主要股東無關聯。若股東大會通過任命,林博士將與公司簽訂三年服務合約。林博士透過SenseTalent Management Limited持有約0.29%的B類股份,並對其家庭成員持有的股份擁有權益。商湯表示,除已披露資訊外,無其他須提請股東注意的事項。
Shuang Soup Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shuang Soup”) announced on 29 May 2024 that it proposed to appoint Dr. Ling Da Wah as Executive Director, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on 26 June 2024. Dr Lin is the company's Co-Founder and Chief Scientist for AI Infrastructure and Large Models. He has joined Shandong since November 2014 and has held various academic positions at CUHK and other institutions. Dr. Lin does not serve as a director in any other listed company and is not affiliated with other directors, senior management or major shareholders of Shuangyu. If the appointment is approved by the General Meeting, Dr. Lin will sign a three-year service contract with the company. Dr. Lin holds approximately 0.29% of Class B shares through SenseTalent Management Limited and owns interests in shares held by his family members. Sengyu said that there were no other matters to be brought to the attention of shareholders other than the disclosed information.
Shuang Soup Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shuang Soup”) announced on 29 May 2024 that it proposed to appoint Dr. Ling Da Wah as Executive Director, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on 26 June 2024. Dr Lin is the company's Co-Founder and Chief Scientist for AI Infrastructure and Large Models. He has joined Shandong since November 2014 and has held various academic positions at CUHK and other institutions. Dr. Lin does not serve as a director in any other listed company and is not affiliated with other directors, senior management or major shareholders of Shuangyu. If the appointment is approved by the General Meeting, Dr. Lin will sign a three-year service contract with the company. Dr. Lin holds approximately 0.29% of Class B shares through SenseTalent Management Limited and owns interests in shares held by his family members. Sengyu said that there were no other matters to be brought to the attention of shareholders other than the disclosed information.

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