


HKEX ·  May 29, 2024 07:35

Summary by Futu AI

聯想集團有限公司(聯想集團)於2024年5月28日宣布,已與沙特阿拉伯王國的主權財富基金Public Investment Fund的全資附屬公司Alat訂立戰略合作框架協議。此舉旨在加速聯想集團的全球戰略轉型,增強其在中東和非洲(MEA)地區的影響力及生產佈局多樣化。聯想集團將在沙特阿拉伯設立MEA地區總部及新生產設施,以擴大其全球業務。此外,聯想集團將向Alat發行20億美元零息可換股債券,所得款項淨額將用於償還現有債務及補充運營資金。可換股債券將在發行後三年到期,並可轉換為股份,預計將擴大聯想集團的已發行股數約10.78%。債券發行及轉換股份的完成須待股東大會批准及滿足其他先決條件後方可實施。
聯想集團有限公司(聯想集團)於2024年5月28日宣布,已與沙特阿拉伯王國的主權財富基金Public Investment Fund的全資附屬公司Alat訂立戰略合作框架協議。此舉旨在加速聯想集團的全球戰略轉型,增強其在中東和非洲(MEA)地區的影響力及生產佈局多樣化。聯想集團將在沙特阿拉伯設立MEA地區總部及新生產設施,以擴大其全球業務。此外,聯想集團將向Alat發行20億美元零息可換股債券,所得款項淨額將用於償還現有債務及補充運營資金。可換股債券將在發行後三年到期,並可轉換為股份,預計將擴大聯想集團的已發行股數約10.78%。債券發行及轉換股份的完成須待股東大會批准及滿足其他先決條件後方可實施。
The Lenovo Group Limited (Lenovo Group) announced on 28 May 2024 that it has entered into a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Alat, a wholly owned subsidiary of the sovereign wealth fund Public Investment Fund of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The move is designed to accelerate Lenovo Group's global strategic transformation, enhancing its influence in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and diversifying its production footprint. Lenovo Group will establish MEA regional headquarters and new production facilities in Saudi Arabia to expand its global business. In addition, the Lenovo Group will issue Alat US$2 billion of zero-dividend convertible bonds, the net proceeds of which will be used to repay existing debt and replenish operating capital. The convertible bonds will mature three years after issue and can be converted into shares, and are expected to expand Lenovo Group's issued shares by approximately 10.78%. Completion of the bond issuance and conversion of shares is subject to approval by the General Meeting and subject to other prerequisites.
The Lenovo Group Limited (Lenovo Group) announced on 28 May 2024 that it has entered into a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Alat, a wholly owned subsidiary of the sovereign wealth fund Public Investment Fund of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The move is designed to accelerate Lenovo Group's global strategic transformation, enhancing its influence in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and diversifying its production footprint. Lenovo Group will establish MEA regional headquarters and new production facilities in Saudi Arabia to expand its global business. In addition, the Lenovo Group will issue Alat US$2 billion of zero-dividend convertible bonds, the net proceeds of which will be used to repay existing debt and replenish operating capital. The convertible bonds will mature three years after issue and can be converted into shares, and are expected to expand Lenovo Group's issued shares by approximately 10.78%. Completion of the bond issuance and conversion of shares is subject to approval by the General Meeting and subject to other prerequisites.

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