

COSCO SHIP HOLD: Overseas Regulatory Announcement

HKEX ·  May 23 22:02
Summary by Futu AI
中遠海控(COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd.)於2024年5月23日宣布,其股票期權激勵計劃預留授予期權第三個行權期已符合行權條件,並將於2024年5月29日至2027年5月28日開放行權。該行權期涉及6,552,563份股票期權,行權價格為1元/股,行權對象為35名激勵對象,包括公司董事及高級管理人員。該激勵計劃旨在獎勵及激勵公司的核心管理團隊和關鍵員工,以促進公司長期發展與股東利益的一致性。公司董事會及監事會已審議通過相關事項,並由北京市通商律師事務所出具法律意見書確認行權條件已成就。本次行權不會對公司財務狀況和經營成果產生重大影響。
中遠海控(COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd.)於2024年5月23日宣布,其股票期權激勵計劃預留授予期權第三個行權期已符合行權條件,並將於2024年5月29日至2027年5月28日開放行權。該行權期涉及6,552,563份股票期權,行權價格為1元/股,行權對象為35名激勵對象,包括公司董事及高級管理人員。該激勵計劃旨在獎勵及激勵公司的核心管理團隊和關鍵員工,以促進公司長期發展與股東利益的一致性。公司董事會及監事會已審議通過相關事項,並由北京市通商律師事務所出具法律意見書確認行權條件已成就。本次行權不會對公司財務狀況和經營成果產生重大影響。
COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd., announced on 23 May 2024 that the third option under its Stock Option Incentive Scheme Reserve Grant Option has been subject to exercise and will be open for exercise from 29 May 2024 to 28 May 2027. The option involves 6,552,563 share options priced at US$1 per share and 35 inductees, including directors and senior management. The incentive program is designed to reward and motivate the company's core management team and key employees to promote consistency in the long-term development of the company with shareholders' interests. The Company's Board of Directors and Supervisory Board have reviewed the relevant matters and issued a legal submission by the Beijing Tongsheng Law Firm confirming that the enforcement conditions have been achieved. This exercise will not have a significant impact on the financial condition and operating results of the Company.
COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd., announced on 23 May 2024 that the third option under its Stock Option Incentive Scheme Reserve Grant Option has been subject to exercise and will be open for exercise from 29 May 2024 to 28 May 2027. The option involves 6,552,563 share options priced at US$1 per share and 35 inductees, including directors and senior management. The incentive program is designed to reward and motivate the company's core management team and key employees to promote consistency in the long-term development of the company with shareholders' interests. The Company's Board of Directors and Supervisory Board have reviewed the relevant matters and issued a legal submission by the Beijing Tongsheng Law Firm confirming that the enforcement conditions have been achieved. This exercise will not have a significant impact on the financial condition and operating results of the Company.

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