Summary by Futu AI, Inc. (, a leading technology-driven e-commerce company in China, filed its Form 6-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for May 2024, detailing its unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023 and 2024. The report, signed by Chief Financial Officer Ian Su Shan, includes balance sheets, statements of operations and comprehensive income, cash flows, and changes in shareholders' equity. reported an increase in net product revenues from RMB 195.564 billion in Q1 2023 to RMB 208.508 billion in Q1 2024, and net service revenues from RMB 47.392 billion to RMB 51.541 billion for the same periods. Total net revenues rose from RMB 242.956 billion to RMB 260.049 billion. The company's net income also grew from RMB 6.199 billion to...Show More