


Hong Kong Stock Exchange ·  May 17 22:01
Summary by Futu AI
和黃醫藥(中國)有限公司公布了其董事會成員名單及各自的角色與職能。董事會共有9名成員,包括主席兼非執行董事Dr Dan Eldar,執行董事蘇慰國博士和鄭澤鋒先生,以及其他非執行董事和獨立非執行董事。公司亦詳細列出了董事會成員在不同委員會中的職務,包括審核委員會、提名委員會、薪酬委員會、可持續發展委員會和技術委員會。該公告於2024年5月17日發布。
和黃醫藥(中國)有限公司公布了其董事會成員名單及各自的角色與職能。董事會共有9名成員,包括主席兼非執行董事Dr Dan Eldar,執行董事蘇慰國博士和鄭澤鋒先生,以及其他非執行董事和獨立非執行董事。公司亦詳細列出了董事會成員在不同委員會中的職務,包括審核委員會、提名委員會、薪酬委員會、可持續發展委員會和技術委員會。該公告於2024年5月17日發布。
Wawang Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd has announced the list of its Board members and their respective roles and functions. The Board has a total of 9 members, including Chairman and Non-Executive Director Dr Dan Eldar, Executive Directors Dr Su Yuguo and Mr Zheng Ze Feng, as well as other non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors. The Company also lists in detail the roles of Board members on various committees, including Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee, Sustainability Committee, and Technical Committee. The announcement was made on 17 May 2024.
Wawang Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd has announced the list of its Board members and their respective roles and functions. The Board has a total of 9 members, including Chairman and Non-Executive Director Dr Dan Eldar, Executive Directors Dr Su Yuguo and Mr Zheng Ze Feng, as well as other non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors. The Company also lists in detail the roles of Board members on various committees, including Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee, Sustainability Committee, and Technical Committee. The announcement was made on 17 May 2024.

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