
光正教育:2024 中期報告

WISDOM EDU INTL: Interim Report 2024

HKEX ·  May 17, 2024 19:52

Summary by Futu AI

光正教育國際控股有限公司(股份代號:6068)公布了2024年中期報告。報告顯示,截至2024年2月29日止六個月,公司收入為人民幣79,663萬元,較去年同期下降29.7%;期內利潤為人民幣47,174萬元,下降14.2%;核心淨利潤為人民幣16,598萬元,下降59.4%。每股基本盈利為人民幣2.17分。公司經營主要涉及學校相關供應鏈業務及綜合教育服務。報告期內,公司完成了對Glam Fund的117,000股A類參與股份的出售,交易代價為101百萬港元。董事會不建議派發中期股息。公司繼續探索將高中部分拆為獨立實體的可能性,以符合適用法律法規的方式恢復對有關高中實體的控制權。
光正教育國際控股有限公司(股份代號:6068)公布了2024年中期報告。報告顯示,截至2024年2月29日止六個月,公司收入為人民幣79,663萬元,較去年同期下降29.7%;期內利潤為人民幣47,174萬元,下降14.2%;核心淨利潤為人民幣16,598萬元,下降59.4%。每股基本盈利為人民幣2.17分。公司經營主要涉及學校相關供應鏈業務及綜合教育服務。報告期內,公司完成了對Glam Fund的117,000股A類參與股份的出售,交易代價為101百萬港元。董事會不建議派發中期股息。公司繼續探索將高中部分拆為獨立實體的可能性,以符合適用法律法規的方式恢復對有關高中實體的控制權。
GUANGCHENG EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (STOCK CODE: 6068) ANNOUNCED ITS 2024 INTERIM REPORT. The report showed that for the six months ended February 29, 2024, the company's revenue was RMB 79,663 million, down 29.7% from the same period last year; profit for the period was RMB47,174 million, down 14.2%; core net profit was RMB16.598 million, down 59.4%. Basic earnings per share were RMB2.17 cents. The Company's operations mainly involve school-related supply chain businesses and integrated education services. During the reporting period, the Company completed the sale of 117,000 Class A Participating Shares of Glam Fund at a transaction cost of HK$101 million. The Board of Directors does not recommend the distribution of an interim dividend. THE COMPANY CONTINUES TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF SPLITTING THE HIGH SCHOOL PORTION INTO AN INDEPENDENT ENTITY IN ORDER TO RESTORE CONTROL OVER THE RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL ENTITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS.
GUANGCHENG EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (STOCK CODE: 6068) ANNOUNCED ITS 2024 INTERIM REPORT. The report showed that for the six months ended February 29, 2024, the company's revenue was RMB 79,663 million, down 29.7% from the same period last year; profit for the period was RMB47,174 million, down 14.2%; core net profit was RMB16.598 million, down 59.4%. Basic earnings per share were RMB2.17 cents. The Company's operations mainly involve school-related supply chain businesses and integrated education services. During the reporting period, the Company completed the sale of 117,000 Class A Participating Shares of Glam Fund at a transaction cost of HK$101 million. The Board of Directors does not recommend the distribution of an interim dividend. THE COMPANY CONTINUES TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF SPLITTING THE HIGH SCHOOL PORTION INTO AN INDEPENDENT ENTITY IN ORDER TO RESTORE CONTROL OVER THE RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL ENTITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS.

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