


HKEX ·  May 17 12:23
Summary by Futu AI
鴻盛昌資源集團有限公司(HSC Resources)宣布,根據先前公告的配售協議(經修訂),已於2024年5月16日成功完成新股配售。該次配售共向不少於六名獨立第三方專業、機構或其他投資者配售了28,800,000股,每股配售價為0.67港元,配售後未有承配人成為公司主要股東。配售所得款項總額約為19,296,000港元,扣除相關費用後,淨額約為18,517,000港元。公司計劃將所得淨額用於償還股東貸款、業務擴展及作為一般營運資金。配售完成後,公司已發行股本由144,000,000股增至172,800,000股,其中承配人持股比例為16.67%,而其他公眾股東持股比例由90.10%降至75.00%。
鴻盛昌資源集團有限公司(HSC Resources)宣布,根據先前公告的配售協議(經修訂),已於2024年5月16日成功完成新股配售。該次配售共向不少於六名獨立第三方專業、機構或其他投資者配售了28,800,000股,每股配售價為0.67港元,配售後未有承配人成為公司主要股東。配售所得款項總額約為19,296,000港元,扣除相關費用後,淨額約為18,517,000港元。公司計劃將所得淨額用於償還股東貸款、業務擴展及作為一般營運資金。配售完成後,公司已發行股本由144,000,000股增至172,800,000股,其中承配人持股比例為16.67%,而其他公眾股東持股比例由90.10%降至75.00%。
HSC Resources announces that under the previously announced distribution agreement (as amended), HSC Resources has been successfully completed on May 16, 2024. The sale of 28,800,000 shares was distributed to no less than six independent third party professionals, institutions or other investors at a price of HK$0.67 per share, with no partner becoming the principal shareholder of the company. The total amount of distribution proceeds is approximately HK$19,296,000, net of approximately HK$18,517,000 after deducting related expenses. The Company plans to use the net proceeds to repay shareholder loans, expand its business and as general operating capital. Upon completion of the distribution, the Company's issued share capital increased from 144,000,000 shares to 172,800,000 shares, of which the shareholders' equity ratio was 16.67% and the other public shareholders' shareholding ratio decreased from 90.10% to 75.00%.
HSC Resources announces that under the previously announced distribution agreement (as amended), HSC Resources has been successfully completed on May 16, 2024. The sale of 28,800,000 shares was distributed to no less than six independent third party professionals, institutions or other investors at a price of HK$0.67 per share, with no partner becoming the principal shareholder of the company. The total amount of distribution proceeds is approximately HK$19,296,000, net of approximately HK$18,517,000 after deducting related expenses. The Company plans to use the net proceeds to repay shareholder loans, expand its business and as general operating capital. Upon completion of the distribution, the Company's issued share capital increased from 144,000,000 shares to 172,800,000 shares, of which the shareholders' equity ratio was 16.67% and the other public shareholders' shareholding ratio decreased from 90.10% to 75.00%.

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