


HKEX ·  May 16, 2024 17:59

Summary by Futu AI

LONGYUAN POWER GROUP CO., LTD. ANNOUNCES THAT THE 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD IN BEIJING ON 6 JUNE 2024. THE PROCEEDINGS WILL INCLUDE ANNUAL REPORT, BOARD AND SUPERVISORY WORK REPORT, AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PLAN, BUDGET ARRANGEMENT REPORT, DIRECTOR AND SUPERVISOR REMUNERATION PLAN, RENEWAL AND A number of common decisions such as auditors are appointed. In addition, special resolutions such as issuing debt financing instruments within China and abroad, granting the Board of Directors general mandates to issue shares and repurchase H shares will be discussed. The Company also reminds shareholders of the specific date of the suspension of share transfer registration in order to ensure the right to attend the General Meeting and to receive the final dividend to be distributed. The general meeting will be conducted using live and online voting and will require the shareholder or their agents to show proof of identity.
LONGYUAN POWER GROUP CO., LTD. ANNOUNCES THAT THE 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD IN BEIJING ON 6 JUNE 2024. THE PROCEEDINGS WILL INCLUDE ANNUAL REPORT, BOARD AND SUPERVISORY WORK REPORT, AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PLAN, BUDGET ARRANGEMENT REPORT, DIRECTOR AND SUPERVISOR REMUNERATION PLAN, RENEWAL AND A number of common decisions such as auditors are appointed. In addition, special resolutions such as issuing debt financing instruments within China and abroad, granting the Board of Directors general mandates to issue shares and repurchase H shares will be discussed. The Company also reminds shareholders of the specific date of the suspension of share transfer registration in order to ensure the right to attend the General Meeting and to receive the final dividend to be distributed. The general meeting will be conducted using live and online voting and will require the shareholder or their agents to show proof of identity.

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