


HKEX ·  May 8, 2024 18:00

Summary by Futu AI

京東集團宣布,將於2024年5月24日舉行股東週年大會,屆時A類普通股及B類普通股股東將有權出席會議並投票。A類普通股每股可投1票,B類普通股每股可投20票。美國存託股(代表A類普通股)持有人將通過存託人Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas進行投票指示。股東大會的具體日期及地點將另行通知。京東集團股份有限公司由劉強東先生擔任董事會主席,並於美國納斯達克全球精選市場上市,股份代碼為JD。
京東集團宣布,將於2024年5月24日舉行股東週年大會,屆時A類普通股及B類普通股股東將有權出席會議並投票。A類普通股每股可投1票,B類普通股每股可投20票。美國存託股(代表A類普通股)持有人將通過存託人Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas進行投票指示。股東大會的具體日期及地點將另行通知。京東集團股份有限公司由劉強東先生擔任董事會主席,並於美國納斯達克全球精選市場上市,股份代碼為JD。
KYOTO GROUP ANNOUNCES THAT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON 24 MAY 2024, AT WHICH TIME CLASS A ORDINARY SHARES AND CLASS B ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ATTEND THE MEETING AND VOTE. Class A Ordinary Shares may cast 1 vote per share and Class B Ordinary Shares may cast 20 votes per share. Holders of US Depositary Shares (representing Class A Ordinary Shares) will be instructed to vote by depositary Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. The specific date and location of the General Meeting will be announced separately. JING DONG GROUP CO., LTD. IS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY MR. LAU QINGDONG AND IS LISTED ON THE NASDAQ GLOBAL SELECT MARKET IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH THE STOCK CODE JD.
KYOTO GROUP ANNOUNCES THAT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON 24 MAY 2024, AT WHICH TIME CLASS A ORDINARY SHARES AND CLASS B ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ATTEND THE MEETING AND VOTE. Class A Ordinary Shares may cast 1 vote per share and Class B Ordinary Shares may cast 20 votes per share. Holders of US Depositary Shares (representing Class A Ordinary Shares) will be instructed to vote by depositary Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. The specific date and location of the General Meeting will be announced separately. JING DONG GROUP CO., LTD. IS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY MR. LAU QINGDONG AND IS LISTED ON THE NASDAQ GLOBAL SELECT MARKET IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH THE STOCK CODE JD.

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