


HKEX ·  Apr 29 19:32
Summary by Futu AI
珍酒李渡集團有限公司(ZJLD Group Inc)於2024年4月23日向非登記持有人發出通知,公告其2023年度報告、環境社會及管治報告以及2024年4月22日的通函已可在公司及香港交易所披露易網站上獲得。公司提供了印刷版文件的申請方式,並指出持有人可透過郵寄或親自遞交申請表格至香港股份過戶登記分處,以便收取未來所有公司通訊。此外,公司亦提供了免費郵寄標籤以方便香港地區的申請人投寄申請表格,而海外申請人則需自行貼上適當郵票。公司強調,所有公司通訊的印刷本將應要求提供,並可在公司網站及香港交易所披露易網站上查閱。
珍酒李渡集團有限公司(ZJLD Group Inc)於2024年4月23日向非登記持有人發出通知,公告其2023年度報告、環境社會及管治報告以及2024年4月22日的通函已可在公司及香港交易所披露易網站上獲得。公司提供了印刷版文件的申請方式,並指出持有人可透過郵寄或親自遞交申請表格至香港股份過戶登記分處,以便收取未來所有公司通訊。此外,公司亦提供了免費郵寄標籤以方便香港地區的申請人投寄申請表格,而海外申請人則需自行貼上適當郵票。公司強調,所有公司通訊的印刷本將應要求提供,並可在公司網站及香港交易所披露易網站上查閱。
ZJLD Group Inc (ZJLD Group Inc) issued a notice to non-registered holders on 23 April 2024 to announce that its 2023 report, environmental social and governance report and the circular dated 22 April 2024 are available on the Company and the HKEX's disclosure website. The Company provides a printed application form and indicates that the holder may submit the application form by post or in person to the Hong Kong Share Register Office for all future communications. In addition, the company also provides free postage labels to facilitate the submission of application forms for applicants in Hong Kong. Overseas applicants need to affix the appropriate stamp. THE COMPANY EMPHASIZES THAT PRINTED COPIES OF ALL COMPANY COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST AND CAN BE ACCESSED ON THE COMPANY'S WEBSITE AND ON THE HKEX DISCLOSURE WEBSITE.
ZJLD Group Inc (ZJLD Group Inc) issued a notice to non-registered holders on 23 April 2024 to announce that its 2023 report, environmental social and governance report and the circular dated 22 April 2024 are available on the Company and the HKEX's disclosure website. The Company provides a printed application form and indicates that the holder may submit the application form by post or in person to the Hong Kong Share Register Office for all future communications. In addition, the company also provides free postage labels to facilitate the submission of application forms for applicants in Hong Kong. Overseas applicants need to affix the appropriate stamp. THE COMPANY EMPHASIZES THAT PRINTED COPIES OF ALL COMPANY COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST AND CAN BE ACCESSED ON THE COMPANY'S WEBSITE AND ON THE HKEX DISCLOSURE WEBSITE.

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