
烯石電車新材料:2023 年度報告

GRAPHEX GROUP: Annual Report 2023

HKEX ·  Apr 29 18:18
Summary by Futu AI
GRAPHEX GROUP於2023年度報告中公布,截至2023年12月31日止年度,公司營收下降14%,至2億9192萬9000港元。其中,石墨烯產品營收下降9%,至1億9492萬9000港元;景觀設計營收下降21%,至9700萬港元。調整後的石墨烯產品EBITDA下降18%,至3831萬9000港元。稅前虧損增加59%,至1億1428萬1000港元;歸屬於公司擁有者的虧損增加62%,至1億1316萬8000港元。每股基本虧損增加22%,至14.8港仙。資產總額下降5%,至8億4734萬3000港元;淨資產值保持穩定,為3億6963萬8000港元;股東權益下降3%,至3億6968萬7000港...展開全部
GRAPHEX GROUP於2023年度報告中公布,截至2023年12月31日止年度,公司營收下降14%,至2億9192萬9000港元。其中,石墨烯產品營收下降9%,至1億9492萬9000港元;景觀設計營收下降21%,至9700萬港元。調整後的石墨烯產品EBITDA下降18%,至3831萬9000港元。稅前虧損增加59%,至1億1428萬1000港元;歸屬於公司擁有者的虧損增加62%,至1億1316萬8000港元。每股基本虧損增加22%,至14.8港仙。資產總額下降5%,至8億4734萬3000港元;淨資產值保持穩定,為3億6963萬8000港元;股東權益下降3%,至3億6968萬7000港元。現金及銀行結餘下降14%,至2719萬港元;債務(包括租賃負債)下降24%,至2億3316萬5000港元。公司管理層包括執行董事劉興達、陳以人、邱斌,非執行董事馬立達,獨立非執行董事譚業豐、王雲才、廖廣生、唐兆東以及已於2024年1月28日辭職的陳繼光。公司秘書為郭家喜。董事長劉興達在報告中強調了集團在後新冠時代所面臨的挑戰與貢獻,特別是在可持續發展和擴大鋰離子電池陽極材料生產能力方面。首席執行官陳以人則回顧了石墨烯產品和景觀設計的業務表現,並指出中國房地產市場對景觀設計業務的影響,以及集團謹慎管理景觀設計業務的努力。
GRAPHEX GROUP ANNOUNCED IN ITS 2023 ANNUAL REPORT THAT THE COMPANY'S REVENUE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 DECREASED BY 14% TO HK$2,9192 MILLION. Among them, revenues from graphene products fell by 9% to HK$1,9499,000 and landscape design revenues fell 21% to HK$9700,000. Adjusted Graphene Product EBITDA fell 18% to HK$3831 million. Loss before tax increased by 59% to HK$1,1428 million; loss attributable to company owners increased 62% to HK$1.16 billion. Basic loss per share increased by 22% to HK14.8 cents. Total assets decreased by 5% to HK$8.4734 million; net asset value remained stable at HK$3,6963 million; shareholders' equity declined by 3% to HK$3,6968 million 7000. Cash and bank balances fell 14% to HK$2719 million; debt (including lease liabilities) fell 24% to HK$2,3316 million. The Company's management consists of Executive Directors Liu Xingda...Show More
GRAPHEX GROUP ANNOUNCED IN ITS 2023 ANNUAL REPORT THAT THE COMPANY'S REVENUE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 DECREASED BY 14% TO HK$2,9192 MILLION. Among them, revenues from graphene products fell by 9% to HK$1,9499,000 and landscape design revenues fell 21% to HK$9700,000. Adjusted Graphene Product EBITDA fell 18% to HK$3831 million. Loss before tax increased by 59% to HK$1,1428 million; loss attributable to company owners increased 62% to HK$1.16 billion. Basic loss per share increased by 22% to HK14.8 cents. Total assets decreased by 5% to HK$8.4734 million; net asset value remained stable at HK$3,6963 million; shareholders' equity declined by 3% to HK$3,6968 million 7000. Cash and bank balances fell 14% to HK$2719 million; debt (including lease liabilities) fell 24% to HK$2,3316 million. The Company's management consists of Executive Directors Liu Xingda, Chen Yihen, Qiu Bin, Non-Executive Director Malida, Independent Non-Executive Directors Tan Yifeng, Wang Yunchai, Liao Guangsheng, Tang Zhaodong and Chen Jiguang, who resigned on 28 January 2024. The company secretary is Guo Jia-Hei. In the report, Chairman Liu Xingda highlighted the Group's challenges and contributions in the post-New Year era, especially in terms of sustainable development and expansion of lithium-ion battery anode material production capabilities. CEO Chen Yi-man reviewed the business performance of graphene products and landscape design, noting the impact of the Chinese real estate market on the landscape design business, as well as the Group's efforts to carefully manage its landscape design business.

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