


HKEX ·  Apr 26, 2024 21:11

Summary by Futu AI

四海國際(COSMOPOL INT'L)將於2024年6月13日舉行股東週年大會,地點為香港銅鑼灣怡和街88號富豪香港酒店。會議議程包括採納2023年度經審核財務報表及董事會與核數師報告書,重選羅寶文小姐、黃寶文先生、龐述英先生及李家暉先生為董事,以及復聘安永會計師事務所為核數師並授權董事會釐定其酬金。此外,將討論授權董事購回公司普通股、發行及處置新普通股,並擴大有關發行新普通股之一般性授權。股東需於大會指定時間四十八小時前將委任代表表格送達指定地點,以便在大會上投票表決。
四海國際(COSMOPOL INT'L)將於2024年6月13日舉行股東週年大會,地點為香港銅鑼灣怡和街88號富豪香港酒店。會議議程包括採納2023年度經審核財務報表及董事會與核數師報告書,重選羅寶文小姐、黃寶文先生、龐述英先生及李家暉先生為董事,以及復聘安永會計師事務所為核數師並授權董事會釐定其酬金。此外,將討論授權董事購回公司普通股、發行及處置新普通股,並擴大有關發行新普通股之一般性授權。股東需於大會指定時間四十八小時前將委任代表表格送達指定地點,以便在大會上投票表決。
SIHAI INTERNATIONAL (COSMOPOL INT'L) WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 13 JUNE 2024 AT REGAL HONG KONG HOTEL, 88 YI WO STREET, CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG. The agenda of the meeting includes the adoption of the 2023 Audited Financial Report and the Board and Auditor's Report, the re-election of Ms. Rubo Wen, Mr. Huang Pao Man, Mr. Pangsuying and Mr. Li Jia-hui as directors, and the reinstatement of EY Accounting Firm as auditors and authorizing the Board to determine their remuneration. In addition, the discussion will be given to authorize the directors to repurchase the ordinary shares of the company, issue and dispose of new ordinary shares, and extend the general mandate to issue new ordinary shares. Shareholders are required to deliver the Nomination Form to a designated location at a designated location forty-eight hours prior to the specified time of the General Meeting in order to vote at the General Meeting.
SIHAI INTERNATIONAL (COSMOPOL INT'L) WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 13 JUNE 2024 AT REGAL HONG KONG HOTEL, 88 YI WO STREET, CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG. The agenda of the meeting includes the adoption of the 2023 Audited Financial Report and the Board and Auditor's Report, the re-election of Ms. Rubo Wen, Mr. Huang Pao Man, Mr. Pangsuying and Mr. Li Jia-hui as directors, and the reinstatement of EY Accounting Firm as auditors and authorizing the Board to determine their remuneration. In addition, the discussion will be given to authorize the directors to repurchase the ordinary shares of the company, issue and dispose of new ordinary shares, and extend the general mandate to issue new ordinary shares. Shareholders are required to deliver the Nomination Form to a designated location at a designated location forty-eight hours prior to the specified time of the General Meeting in order to vote at the General Meeting.

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