


HKEX ·  Apr 25 17:35
Summary by Futu AI
中旭未來(ZX Inc.)於2024年4月26日通知其非登記持有人,2023年年報、含有股東週年大會通告的通函及委任表格已可在公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司網站上獲得。公司鼓勵股東透過網站版本閱讀這些文件,並提供了印刷版的索取方式。若股東希望以電子形式接收公司通訊,需向其股份的中介機構提供電郵地址。公司將根據股東的要求免費提供印刷版的公司通訊,並指出若未能提供有效的電郵地址,公司將只能以印刷版形式發送通知。
中旭未來(ZX Inc.)於2024年4月26日通知其非登記持有人,2023年年報、含有股東週年大會通告的通函及委任表格已可在公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司網站上獲得。公司鼓勵股東透過網站版本閱讀這些文件,並提供了印刷版的索取方式。若股東希望以電子形式接收公司通訊,需向其股份的中介機構提供電郵地址。公司將根據股東的要求免費提供印刷版的公司通訊,並指出若未能提供有效的電郵地址,公司將只能以印刷版形式發送通知。
ZX Inc. notified its non-registered holders on 26 April 2024 that the 2023 Annual Report, the Circular with the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the Nomination Form for the 2023 Annual General Meeting are available on the Company and the HKEX Limited website. The Company encourages shareholders to read these documents via the website version and provides access to the printed version. If shareholders wish to receive the Company's communications electronically, they must provide an email address to the intermediary of their shares. The Company will provide the printed corporate newsletter free of charge at the request of the shareholders, indicating that if a valid e-mail address is not provided, the Company will only be able to send the notice in printed form.
ZX Inc. notified its non-registered holders on 26 April 2024 that the 2023 Annual Report, the Circular with the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the Nomination Form for the 2023 Annual General Meeting are available on the Company and the HKEX Limited website. The Company encourages shareholders to read these documents via the website version and provides access to the printed version. If shareholders wish to receive the Company's communications electronically, they must provide an email address to the intermediary of their shares. The Company will provide the printed corporate newsletter free of charge at the request of the shareholders, indicating that if a valid e-mail address is not provided, the Company will only be able to send the notice in printed form.

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