


HKEX ·  Apr 25 07:18
Summary by Futu AI
和鉑醫藥控股有限公司(HBM Holdings Limited)將於2024年6月6日在中國上海自由貿易試驗區舉行股東週年大會,討論發行股份及購回股份的一般授權、重選退任董事等議題。公司已向股東發出通函,並附上代表委任表格,股東若無法出席大會,可按指示填妥表格,於大會前48小時交回。公司強調,無論股東是否出席,都應避免在大會上就需要股東批准的事項投票。此外,公司將於2024年6月3日至6日暫停股份過戶登記,以釐定出席大會的股東資格。股東應於5月31日下午四時三十分前遞交所有股份過戶文件。公司董事會建議股東投票贊成所有決議案,認為這符合公司及股東的整體最佳利益。
和鉑醫藥控股有限公司(HBM Holdings Limited)將於2024年6月6日在中國上海自由貿易試驗區舉行股東週年大會,討論發行股份及購回股份的一般授權、重選退任董事等議題。公司已向股東發出通函,並附上代表委任表格,股東若無法出席大會,可按指示填妥表格,於大會前48小時交回。公司強調,無論股東是否出席,都應避免在大會上就需要股東批准的事項投票。此外,公司將於2024年6月3日至6日暫停股份過戶登記,以釐定出席大會的股東資格。股東應於5月31日下午四時三十分前遞交所有股份過戶文件。公司董事會建議股東投票贊成所有決議案,認為這符合公司及股東的整體最佳利益。
HBM Holdings Limited (HBM Holdings Limited) will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 6, 2024 in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, China, to discuss general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares, re-election of retiring directors. The Company has issued a circular to shareholders and attached a proxy form. If shareholders are unable to attend the General Meeting, they can complete the form as directed and returned 48 hours before the General Meeting. The Company stresses that voting on matters requiring shareholder approval should be avoided at the General Meeting, regardless of whether or not shareholders attend. In addition, the Company will suspend the registration of shares from 3 to 6 June 2024 in order to determine the eligibility of shareholders to attend the General Meeting. Shareholders should submit all share transfer documents by 4.30pm on May 31. The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote in favour of all resolutions in their opinion that this is in the overall best interests of the company and its shareholders.
HBM Holdings Limited (HBM Holdings Limited) will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 6, 2024 in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, China, to discuss general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares, re-election of retiring directors. The Company has issued a circular to shareholders and attached a proxy form. If shareholders are unable to attend the General Meeting, they can complete the form as directed and returned 48 hours before the General Meeting. The Company stresses that voting on matters requiring shareholder approval should be avoided at the General Meeting, regardless of whether or not shareholders attend. In addition, the Company will suspend the registration of shares from 3 to 6 June 2024 in order to determine the eligibility of shareholders to attend the General Meeting. Shareholders should submit all share transfer documents by 4.30pm on May 31. The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote in favour of all resolutions in their opinion that this is in the overall best interests of the company and its shareholders.

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