
General Motors | DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

SEC ·  Apr 24, 2024 20:28

Summary by Futu AI

General Motors Company (GM) has filed its definitive proxy statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, announcing its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held virtually on June 4, 2024. Shareholders as of the record date, April 15, 2024, are invited to attend. The meeting will include votes on the election of 12 director nominees, the ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the company's independent auditor for 2024, and advisory approval of executive officer compensation. Additionally, shareholders will vote on four proposals, including reports on child labor in the EV supply chain, eliminating EV targets from compensation programs, the use of deep-sea mined minerals, and sustainability risk in the supply chain. GM's Board has recommended voting against all four shareholder proposals. The company emphasizes its commitment to ethical supply chains and sustainable practices, stating that existing measures and reporting are sufficient. The proxy statement also outlines voting procedures, revocation of proxies, and technical support for the virtual meeting.
General Motors Company (GM) has filed its definitive proxy statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, announcing its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held virtually on June 4, 2024. Shareholders as of the record date, April 15, 2024, are invited to attend. The meeting will include votes on the election of 12 director nominees, the ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the company's independent auditor for 2024, and advisory approval of executive officer compensation. Additionally, shareholders will vote on four proposals, including reports on child labor in the EV supply chain, eliminating EV targets from compensation programs, the use of deep-sea mined minerals, and sustainability risk in the supply chain. GM's Board has recommended voting against all four shareholder proposals. The company emphasizes its commitment to ethical supply chains and sustainable practices, stating that existing measures and reporting are sufficient. The proxy statement also outlines voting procedures, revocation of proxies, and technical support for the virtual meeting.

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