


HKEX ·  Apr 23, 2024 18:07

Summary by Futu AI

仁德資源控股有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年4月23日完成了一項新股份配售事項,共計37,627,200股股份以每股0.201港元的價格成功配售給不少於六名獨立第三方承配人。該配售股份佔本公司擴大後已發行股本的約16.67%,並使得公司總股本增至225,763,200股。配售所得款項淨額約7,400,000港元,其中約89%將用於一個潛在新公營工程建設項目的營運資金,其餘將用於本集團的一般營運資金。配售完成後,Max Premier Limited的持股比例由26.35%降至21.96%,而新承配人的持股比例為16.67%。本公司股權結構因此發生變動,趙傳榮先生透過Max Premier Limited持有的股份比例也有所調整。
仁德資源控股有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年4月23日完成了一項新股份配售事項,共計37,627,200股股份以每股0.201港元的價格成功配售給不少於六名獨立第三方承配人。該配售股份佔本公司擴大後已發行股本的約16.67%,並使得公司總股本增至225,763,200股。配售所得款項淨額約7,400,000港元,其中約89%將用於一個潛在新公營工程建設項目的營運資金,其餘將用於本集團的一般營運資金。配售完成後,Max Premier Limited的持股比例由26.35%降至21.96%,而新承配人的持股比例為16.67%。本公司股權結構因此發生變動,趙傳榮先生透過Max Premier Limited持有的股份比例也有所調整。
Ren Tek Resources Holdings Limited (the “Company”) announced that on 23 April 2024 a new distribution of shares was completed for the successful distribution of 37,627,200 shares at a price of HK$0.201 per share to no less than six independent third party holders. The distribution accounted for approximately 16.67% of the Company's issued share capital upon expansion and increased the Company's total share capital to 225,763,200 shares. The net proceeds from the divestiture will be approximately HK$7,400,000, of which approximately 89% will be used for working capital of a potential new public works construction project and the remainder will be used for the Group's general operating capital. Following the completion of the divestiture, Max Premier Limited's shareholding was reduced from 26.35% to 21.96%, and the new underwriter's holding was 16.67%. As a result of this change in the shareholding structure of the Company, Mr. Zhao Chuan Wing has also adjusted the proportion of shares held by Max Premier Limited.
Ren Tek Resources Holdings Limited (the “Company”) announced that on 23 April 2024 a new distribution of shares was completed for the successful distribution of 37,627,200 shares at a price of HK$0.201 per share to no less than six independent third party holders. The distribution accounted for approximately 16.67% of the Company's issued share capital upon expansion and increased the Company's total share capital to 225,763,200 shares. The net proceeds from the divestiture will be approximately HK$7,400,000, of which approximately 89% will be used for working capital of a potential new public works construction project and the remainder will be used for the Group's general operating capital. Following the completion of the divestiture, Max Premier Limited's shareholding was reduced from 26.35% to 21.96%, and the new underwriter's holding was 16.67%. As a result of this change in the shareholding structure of the Company, Mr. Zhao Chuan Wing has also adjusted the proportion of shares held by Max Premier Limited.

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