Summary by Futu AI
Digital Kingdom Group Limited (the “Company”) will hold its Annual General Meeting on 17 May 2024 to discuss the renewal of the general authorization to issue and repurchase shares, the extension of the issuance authorization and the re-election of retiring directors. The existing issuance and repurchase authorization granted by the Company at the Annual General Meeting on May 31, 2023 will expire at the close of this Meeting. The new authorization will allow the directors to issue no more than 20% of the total issued shares and to repurchase no more than 10% of the shares in the coming year. In addition, it is proposed to re-elect Mr. Li Weiqiang, Mr. Cui Ho and Mr. Duan Hung Fei as directors. Shareholders will receive a proxy form so that they can vote even if they cannot attend the General Meeting in person. The conference will be held in Room 2005, 20/F, West Block, Sindh Centre, 168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.