


HKEX ·  Apr 18, 2024 17:08

Summary by Futu AI

Gowie Electronics Holdings Limited (Cowell) announces that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 23 May 2024 at 10 am in the form of a virtual conference. The Meeting will discuss a plurality of resolutions including the approval of the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, Directors' Reports and Auditors' Reports for the year ended 31 December 2023. The motion also includes the re-election of Mr. Wu Yingcheng as executive directors, Ms. Su Yue and Ms. Liu Xia as independent non-executive directors, and authorizing the Board to determine directors' remuneration. In addition, the meeting will consider the continued employment of the firm's accounting firm as the company's auditor and authorizing the Board of Directors to determine its remuneration. THE GENERAL MEETING WILL...Show More
Gowie Electronics Holdings Limited (Cowell) announces that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 23 May 2024 at 10 am in the form of a virtual conference. The Meeting will discuss a plurality of resolutions including the approval of the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, Directors' Reports and Auditors' Reports for the year ended 31 December 2023. The motion also includes the re-election of Mr. Wu Yingcheng as executive directors, Ms. Su Yue and Ms. Liu Xia as independent non-executive directors, and authorizing the Board to determine directors' remuneration. In addition, the meeting will consider the continued employment of the firm's accounting firm as the company's auditor and authorizing the Board of Directors to determine its remuneration. THE GENERAL MEETING WILL ALSO DISCUSS GRANTING THE DIRECTORS GENERAL AUTHORIZATIONS TO ISSUE, ISSUE AND TRANSFER ADDITIONAL SHARES WITHIN A SPECIFIED PERIOD, AS WELL AS AUTHORIZATIONS TO REPURCHASE SHARES OF THE COMPANY. All shareholders can participate in the meeting electronically and vote in real time. In order to ensure that shareholders can participate in the voting, the company's shares will be registered from 20 May to 23 May 2024.

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