


Hong Kong Stock Exchange ·  Apr 16 21:14
Summary by Futu AI
CHENG SHEA FOREIGN EDUCATION CO., LTD. ANNOUNCED THAT A BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024. The main agenda of the meeting includes the approval and announcement of interim results for the six months ended 29 February 2024 and consideration will be given to whether an interim dividend will be distributed. In addition, the meeting will deal with other matters. The Executive Directors of Shing Shing External Education include Ms. Wang Siu-ying, Mr. Ye Ka Yu, Mr. Yan Yuk Tak and Mr. Tang Chong Kai, while the Independent Non-Executive Directors are Mr. Xue Chau Ying, Mr. Chen Jiansun and Mr. Wen Ruizheng.
CHENG SHEA FOREIGN EDUCATION CO., LTD. ANNOUNCED THAT A BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024. The main agenda of the meeting includes the approval and announcement of interim results for the six months ended 29 February 2024 and consideration will be given to whether an interim dividend will be distributed. In addition, the meeting will deal with other matters. The Executive Directors of Shing Shing External Education include Ms. Wang Siu-ying, Mr. Ye Ka Yu, Mr. Yan Yuk Tak and Mr. Tang Chong Kai, while the Independent Non-Executive Directors are Mr. Xue Chau Ying, Mr. Chen Jiansun and Mr. Wen Ruizheng.

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