


HKEX ·  Apr 15, 2024 18:13

Summary by Futu AI

Victory Securities (Holdings) Limited announced that, pursuant to the announcement dated March 25, 2024, the Company has completed the subscription of new shares on April 15, 2024 for a total of 7,200,000 new shares. This share issue accounted for approximately 3.47% of the Company's total issued shares after the expansion, of which 3,600,000 shares were distributed at HK$2.30 per share, 2,400,000 shares were distributed to Subscriber A at HK$2.80 per share and the remaining 1,200,000 shares were distributed at HK$2.3 per share to Subscribers B, C and D. Upon completion of the subscription, the Company raised a net amount of approximately HK$17.70 million, which will be used as previously announced. THE BOARD CONFIRMS THAT ALL SUBSCRIBERS AND THEIR ULTIMATE BENEFICIAL OWNERS ARE INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTIES WITH NO CIRCUMSTANCES...Show More
Victory Securities (Holdings) Limited announced that, pursuant to the announcement dated March 25, 2024, the Company has completed the subscription of new shares on April 15, 2024 for a total of 7,200,000 new shares. This share issue accounted for approximately 3.47% of the Company's total issued shares after the expansion, of which 3,600,000 shares were distributed at HK$2.30 per share, 2,400,000 shares were distributed to Subscriber A at HK$2.80 per share and the remaining 1,200,000 shares were distributed at HK$2.3 per share to Subscribers B, C and D. Upon completion of the subscription, the Company raised a net amount of approximately HK$17.70 million, which will be used as previously announced. THE BOARD CONFIRMS THAT ALL SUBSCRIBERS AND THEIR ULTIMATE BENEFICIAL OWNERS ARE INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTIES WITH NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER BECOMING MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS. Following this change in share structure, Ms. Kao Azalei and Mr. Chan Pui Chuen's shareholding ratio decreased slightly, while the holding ratio of new subscribers A, B, C and D was 2.89%, 0.39%, 0.21% and 0.37%, respectively. THE COMPANY'S SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE AND BOARD MEMBER INFORMATION ARE ALSO UPDATED IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT.

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