

ICBC: Announcement in relation to the Implementation of Share Acquisition Plan by Huijin

香港交易所 ·  Apr 12 19:17
Summary by Futu AI
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (the “Industrial Commercial Bank” or the “Bank”) announced on 12 April 2024 that its holding shareholders, Central Treasury Investment Limited (the “Treasury Company”), will accrue 28 shares of the Bank through the Shanghai Stock Exchange System for six months from 11 October 2023. 6,807,989 shares, representing approximately 0.08% of the total share capital of the Commercial Bank. After this increase, the total number of shares in Commercial Bank A shares held by the Treasury reached 124,004,660,940 shares, representing approximately 34.79% of the total share capital. The Bank of Commerce said that Treasuries will continue to support the long-term stable development of the bank. The announcement was issued by the Board of Directors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank in Beijing.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (the “Industrial Commercial Bank” or the “Bank”) announced on 12 April 2024 that its holding shareholders, Central Treasury Investment Limited (the “Treasury Company”), will accrue 28 shares of the Bank through the Shanghai Stock Exchange System for six months from 11 October 2023. 6,807,989 shares, representing approximately 0.08% of the total share capital of the Commercial Bank. After this increase, the total number of shares in Commercial Bank A shares held by the Treasury reached 124,004,660,940 shares, representing approximately 34.79% of the total share capital. The Bank of Commerce said that Treasuries will continue to support the long-term stable development of the bank. The announcement was issued by the Board of Directors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank in Beijing.

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