
Amazon | DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

SEC ·  Apr 11, 2024 18:04

Summary by Futu AI, Inc. (Amazon) has announced its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held virtually on May 22, 2024. The meeting will include the election of 12 directors, ratification of Ernst & Young as independent auditors, an advisory vote to approve executive compensation, and consideration of 14 shareholder proposals. Shareholders of record as of March 28, 2024, are entitled to vote. The Board recommends voting for the election of each director nominee, for the ratification of auditors, for the approval of executive compensation, and against each of the shareholder proposals. Amazon's CEO Andrew R. Jassy's 2023 total compensation was reported at $1,357,764, with a significant portion derived from long-term vested stock. The company emphasizes its commitment to safety, reporting improvements in incident rates, and aligning executive compensation with long-term shareholder value. Amazon's founder and Executive Chair, Jeffrey P. Bezos, owns Blue Origin and entities that publish The Washington Post, with which Amazon conducts business transactions. The company's proxy materials are available online, and shareholders are encouraged to vote in advance of the meeting., Inc. (Amazon) has announced its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held virtually on May 22, 2024. The meeting will include the election of 12 directors, ratification of Ernst & Young as independent auditors, an advisory vote to approve executive compensation, and consideration of 14 shareholder proposals. Shareholders of record as of March 28, 2024, are entitled to vote. The Board recommends voting for the election of each director nominee, for the ratification of auditors, for the approval of executive compensation, and against each of the shareholder proposals. Amazon's CEO Andrew R. Jassy's 2023 total compensation was reported at $1,357,764, with a significant portion derived from long-term vested stock. The company emphasizes its commitment to safety, reporting improvements in incident rates, and aligning executive compensation with long-term shareholder value. Amazon's founder and Executive Chair, Jeffrey P. Bezos, owns Blue Origin and entities that publish The Washington Post, with which Amazon conducts business transactions. The company's proxy materials are available online, and shareholders are encouraged to vote in advance of the meeting.

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