


HKEX ·  Apr 1 18:44
Summary by Futu AI
Top Standard Corporation(「本公司」)於2024年3月28日宣佈,公司網址已從「」更改為「」,並更新了聯絡電話號碼為(852) 5640 1362及電郵地址為。該變更已於同日生效。本公司的公告、通告或其他文件將於新網站上刊登。此外,本公告亦確認了執行董事及獨立非執行董事的名單,並由董事會主席兼執行董事祝嘉輝先生代表董事會發出。董事會對公告內容的準確性及完整性承擔責任,並確認經合理查詢後,資料無誤導或欺詐成分,也無遺漏事項。新的聯絡資料及公告將於公司網站及聯交所網站公開刊登最少七天。
Top Standard Corporation(「本公司」)於2024年3月28日宣佈,公司網址已從「」更改為「」,並更新了聯絡電話號碼為(852) 5640 1362及電郵地址為。該變更已於同日生效。本公司的公告、通告或其他文件將於新網站上刊登。此外,本公告亦確認了執行董事及獨立非執行董事的名單,並由董事會主席兼執行董事祝嘉輝先生代表董事會發出。董事會對公告內容的準確性及完整性承擔責任,並確認經合理查詢後,資料無誤導或欺詐成分,也無遺漏事項。新的聯絡資料及公告將於公司網站及聯交所網站公開刊登最少七天。
Top Standard Corporation (the “Company”) announced on 28 March 2024 that its website address has been changed from “” to “” and updated the contact phone number to (852) 5640 1362及電郵地址為 The change took effect on the same day. Announcements, notices or other documents of the Company will be posted on the new website. In addition, this announcement confirms the list of Executive Directors and Independent Non-Executive Directors and is issued on behalf of the Board by the Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, Mr. Zhu Jiahui. The Board is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the contents of the announcement and verifies that the information is not misleading or fraudulent, and that there are no omissions after reasonable enquiries. New contact information and announcements will be posted publicly on the Company's website and exchange website for at least seven days.
Top Standard Corporation (the “Company”) announced on 28 March 2024 that its website address has been changed from “” to “” and updated the contact phone number to (852) 5640 1362及電郵地址為 The change took effect on the same day. Announcements, notices or other documents of the Company will be posted on the new website. In addition, this announcement confirms the list of Executive Directors and Independent Non-Executive Directors and is issued on behalf of the Board by the Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, Mr. Zhu Jiahui. The Board is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the contents of the announcement and verifies that the information is not misleading or fraudulent, and that there are no omissions after reasonable enquiries. New contact information and announcements will be posted publicly on the Company's website and exchange website for at least seven days.

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