


香港交易所 ·  Mar 28 22:43
Summary by Futu AI
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. held a meeting of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board on March 28, 2024 to consider the approval of a proposed resolution on the delisting of some of its debt obligations. This delisting includes non-recoverable receivables of RMB28,656.91, which will reduce the 2023 total profit by RMB26,147.09; and confirmed unpaid receivables of RMB4,864,745.92, which will increase the 2023 total profit by RMB4,864,745.92. After this delisting, the company's 2023 total profit will increase by RMB 4,838,598.83. THE AMORTIZATION AMOUNT HAS BEEN AUDITED BY OSHUI ACCOUNTANTS AND COMPLIES WITH THE CORPORATE ACCOUNTING GUIDELINES AND RELATED TAX LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Both the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors consider that this delisting reflects more objectively the Company's financial condition and that there are no acts detrimental to the interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. held a meeting of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board on March 28, 2024 to consider the approval of a proposed resolution on the delisting of some of its debt obligations. This delisting includes non-recoverable receivables of RMB28,656.91, which will reduce the 2023 total profit by RMB26,147.09; and confirmed unpaid receivables of RMB4,864,745.92, which will increase the 2023 total profit by RMB4,864,745.92. After this delisting, the company's 2023 total profit will increase by RMB 4,838,598.83. THE AMORTIZATION AMOUNT HAS BEEN AUDITED BY OSHUI ACCOUNTANTS AND COMPLIES WITH THE CORPORATE ACCOUNTING GUIDELINES AND RELATED TAX LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Both the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors consider that this delisting reflects more objectively the Company's financial condition and that there are no acts detrimental to the interests of the Company and its shareholders.

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