

NANJING PANDA: An announcement has just been published by the issuer in the Chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section

香港交易所 ·  Mar 28 22:38
Summary by Futu AI
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. issued on March 28, 2024 a continuing risk assessment report on the related trading situation of its financial companies. The report noted that the company assessed the operating qualifications, business and risk status of China Electronic Finance Limited and adjusted its internal control system. The financial company was founded in 1988, officially operated since 2001, and absorbed the merged Chenhua Group Finance Limited in 2022. The report shows that financial companies have established risk control procedures in the areas of money management, credit business, investment business, etc., and that all regulatory indicators meet the requirements of the Banking Authority. In 2023, the financial company achieved net interest income of $7.25 million and net profit after tax of $4.56 million. The Board of Directors of Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd., believes that the financial company's risk management system is free from significant flaws and has a good performance.
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. issued on March 28, 2024 a continuing risk assessment report on the related trading situation of its financial companies. The report noted that the company assessed the operating qualifications, business and risk status of China Electronic Finance Limited and adjusted its internal control system. The financial company was founded in 1988, officially operated since 2001, and absorbed the merged Chenhua Group Finance Limited in 2022. The report shows that financial companies have established risk control procedures in the areas of money management, credit business, investment business, etc., and that all regulatory indicators meet the requirements of the Banking Authority. In 2023, the financial company achieved net interest income of $7.25 million and net profit after tax of $4.56 million. The Board of Directors of Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd., believes that the financial company's risk management system is free from significant flaws and has a good performance.

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