

NANJING PANDA: An announcement has just been published by the issuer in the Chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section

香港交易所 ·  Mar 28 22:30
Summary by Futu AI
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has published its 2023 Independent Director Appointment Report detailing the seniority status of independent directors over the past year. According to the report, the Independent Directors Dik Qin, Xiangyu Xiang and Zhu Weiwei three actively participated in the Board of Directors and General Meetings in 2023 and participated in the work of various professional committees subordinate to the Board of Directors. They examined and provided independent opinions on matters such as financial reporting, internal controls, profit distribution, election of directors and the appointment of senior management. The independent directors confirmed compliance with the independence requirements and issued a self-examination report to the company on independence. IN ADDITION, INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS SUPERVISED AND EVALUATED THE COMPANY'S REGULATORY OPERATIONS, INTERNAL CONTROL ENFORCEMENT, INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND PROTECTION OF THE INTERESTS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED INVESTORS. The report showed that the independent directors gave a positive assessment of the company's management, financial condition and internal controls and made recommendations for the company's future improvement and development.
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has published its 2023 Independent Director Appointment Report detailing the seniority status of independent directors over the past year. According to the report, the Independent Directors Dik Qin, Xiangyu Xiang and Zhu Weiwei three actively participated in the Board of Directors and General Meetings in 2023 and participated in the work of various professional committees subordinate to the Board of Directors. They examined and provided independent opinions on matters such as financial reporting, internal controls, profit distribution, election of directors and the appointment of senior management. The independent directors confirmed compliance with the independence requirements and issued a self-examination report to the company on independence. IN ADDITION, INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS SUPERVISED AND EVALUATED THE COMPANY'S REGULATORY OPERATIONS, INTERNAL CONTROL ENFORCEMENT, INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND PROTECTION OF THE INTERESTS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED INVESTORS. The report showed that the independent directors gave a positive assessment of the company's management, financial condition and internal controls and made recommendations for the company's future improvement and development.

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