

NANJING PANDA: An announcement has just been published by the issuer in the Chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section

香港交易所 ·  Mar 28 22:29
Summary by Futu AI
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Nanjing Panda”) issued the 2023 Internal Control Evaluation Report on March 28, 2024. The report shows that as of the Internal Control Assessment Benchmark Date of December 31, 2023, the Company does not have significant deficiencies in internal controls in financial reporting, and the Board considers that the Company maintains effective internal control over all significant aspects of its financial reporting. At the same time, the company did not find significant flaws in the internal controls of non-financial reporting. The evaluation report covers key operational management aspects of the company and no significant omissions were found. During the reporting period, the company made corrections for the previous year's internal control general defects. In 2023, the company's internal controls will be operational and will further strengthen risk prevention awareness in 2024, enhancing the core competitiveness of the enterprise.
Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Nanjing Panda”) issued the 2023 Internal Control Evaluation Report on March 28, 2024. The report shows that as of the Internal Control Assessment Benchmark Date of December 31, 2023, the Company does not have significant deficiencies in internal controls in financial reporting, and the Board considers that the Company maintains effective internal control over all significant aspects of its financial reporting. At the same time, the company did not find significant flaws in the internal controls of non-financial reporting. The evaluation report covers key operational management aspects of the company and no significant omissions were found. During the reporting period, the company made corrections for the previous year's internal control general defects. In 2023, the company's internal controls will be operational and will further strengthen risk prevention awareness in 2024, enhancing the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

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