

SANDS CHINA LTD: Proposed Re-Election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares and Adoption of the 2024 Equity Award Plan and Notice of Annual General Meeting

HKEX ·  Mar 27 16:58

Summary by Futu AI

金沙中國有限公司(Sands China Ltd.)將於2024年5月17日舉行股東週年大會,會上將重選退任董事及授出購回股份及發行新股份的一般授權,並採納2024年權益獎勵計劃。股東週年大會將在澳門路氹連貫公路澳門倫敦人酒店4樓吐魯番會議廳舉行,並已於公司網站及聯交所網站公布相關委任代表表格。此外,公司亦建議對2024年權益獎勵計劃進行修訂,以吸引及保留人才,並將股東與管理層的利益結合。股東將審視及批准包括董事薪酬在內的多項決議案。會議通告中提及的退任董事包括王英偉博士、鄭君諾先生、Steven Zygmunt Strasser先生及Victor Patrick Hoog Antink先生,他們均願意膺選連任。會議將按照規定程序進行,並有惡劣天氣安排。
金沙中國有限公司(Sands China Ltd.)將於2024年5月17日舉行股東週年大會,會上將重選退任董事及授出購回股份及發行新股份的一般授權,並採納2024年權益獎勵計劃。股東週年大會將在澳門路氹連貫公路澳門倫敦人酒店4樓吐魯番會議廳舉行,並已於公司網站及聯交所網站公布相關委任代表表格。此外,公司亦建議對2024年權益獎勵計劃進行修訂,以吸引及保留人才,並將股東與管理層的利益結合。股東將審視及批准包括董事薪酬在內的多項決議案。會議通告中提及的退任董事包括王英偉博士、鄭君諾先生、Steven Zygmunt Strasser先生及Victor Patrick Hoog Antink先生,他們均願意膺選連任。會議將按照規定程序進行,並有惡劣天氣安排。
Sands China Ltd. (Annual General Meeting) will be held on 17 May 2024 to re-elect retiring directors and grant general mandates to repurchase shares and issue new shares, and adopt the 2024 Equity Award Scheme. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Turupane Conference Hall, 4/F, London Hotel, Macau, on the Lutai Connexion Road, Macau. The relevant Proxy Form has been published on the Company's website and on the Exchange website. In addition, the company proposed to revise the 2024 Equity Award Scheme in order to attract and retain talent and combine the interests of shareholders and management. Shareholders will review and approve a number of resolutions, including directors' remuneration. The retiring directors mentioned in the notice of the meeting include Dr. Wang Ying Wai, Mr. Zheng Junno, Mr. Steven Zygmunt Strasser and Mr. Victor Patrick Hoog Antink, all of whom are willing to run for consecutive terms. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the prescribed procedures and will be arranged for inclement weather.
Sands China Ltd. (Annual General Meeting) will be held on 17 May 2024 to re-elect retiring directors and grant general mandates to repurchase shares and issue new shares, and adopt the 2024 Equity Award Scheme. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Turupane Conference Hall, 4/F, London Hotel, Macau, on the Lutai Connexion Road, Macau. The relevant Proxy Form has been published on the Company's website and on the Exchange website. In addition, the company proposed to revise the 2024 Equity Award Scheme in order to attract and retain talent and combine the interests of shareholders and management. Shareholders will review and approve a number of resolutions, including directors' remuneration. The retiring directors mentioned in the notice of the meeting include Dr. Wang Ying Wai, Mr. Zheng Junno, Mr. Steven Zygmunt Strasser and Mr. Victor Patrick Hoog Antink, all of whom are willing to run for consecutive terms. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the prescribed procedures and will be arranged for inclement weather.

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