


HKEX ·  Mar 26 18:26

Summary by Futu AI

匯森家居國際集團有限公司於2024年3月26日召開股東特別大會,會上通過將公司英文名稱由「Huisen Household International Group Limited」更改為「Huisen Shares Group Limited」,中文名稱亦隨之由「匯森家居國際集團有限公司」更改為「匯森股份集團有限公司」。該決議案獲得出席會議的股東全數贊成,並將於開曼群島公司註冊處處長發出更改名稱註冊證書所載註冊日期起生效。股東特別大會當日,公司已發行股份總數為3,682,908,000股。本次大會全體董事均出席,並由卓佳證券登記有限公司擔任監票員。
匯森家居國際集團有限公司於2024年3月26日召開股東特別大會,會上通過將公司英文名稱由「Huisen Household International Group Limited」更改為「Huisen Shares Group Limited」,中文名稱亦隨之由「匯森家居國際集團有限公司」更改為「匯森股份集團有限公司」。該決議案獲得出席會議的股東全數贊成,並將於開曼群島公司註冊處處長發出更改名稱註冊證書所載註冊日期起生效。股東特別大會當日,公司已發行股份總數為3,682,908,000股。本次大會全體董事均出席,並由卓佳證券登記有限公司擔任監票員。
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Huisen Household International Group Limited was held on 26 March 2024. The meeting approved the change of the company's English name from “Huisen Household International Group Limited” to “Huisen Shares Group Limited”, and the Chinese name was also changed from “Huisen Household International Group Limited” to “Huisen Shares Group Limited” “。 The resolution was approved by all shareholders attending the meeting and will take effect from the registration date stated on the registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands. On the day of the Extraordinary General Meeting, the company issued a total of 3,682,908,000 shares. ALL DIRECTORS ATTENDED THE GENERAL MEETING AND WERE ACTED AS SUPERVISORS BY ZHUJIA SECURITIES REGISTRATION LIMITED.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Huisen Household International Group Limited was held on 26 March 2024. The meeting approved the change of the company's English name from “Huisen Household International Group Limited” to “Huisen Shares Group Limited”, and the Chinese name was also changed from “Huisen Household International Group Limited” to “Huisen Shares Group Limited” “。 The resolution was approved by all shareholders attending the meeting and will take effect from the registration date stated on the registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands. On the day of the Extraordinary General Meeting, the company issued a total of 3,682,908,000 shares. ALL DIRECTORS ATTENDED THE GENERAL MEETING AND WERE ACTED AS SUPERVISORS BY ZHUJIA SECURITIES REGISTRATION LIMITED.

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