


HKEX ·  Mar 25 06:55

Summary by Futu AI

康健國際醫療集團有限公司(「康健國際」)公佈截至2023年12月31日止年度全年業績,錄得收入約18.33億港元,較2022年約15.36億港元增長約19.37%。然而,集團年內虧損約1.59億港元,對比2022年約4952萬港元的溢利,公司擁有人應佔虧損約1.94億港元,較2022年約1529萬港元的溢利大幅下降。流動比率為3.25,負債比率為2.70%。董事會建議派付末期股息每股0.12港仙,與2022年持平。康健國際表示,收入增加主要由於醫療服務需求增加,以及收購Central Medical Holdings Limited後的貢獻。虧損則因投資物業公平值虧損及資產減值虧損增加所致。展望未來,康健國際將繼續支持政府推動基層醫療政策,並計劃進一步加強與自營及聯營醫務中心的合作,提供更高效、更全面的醫療保健服務。
康健國際醫療集團有限公司(「康健國際」)公佈截至2023年12月31日止年度全年業績,錄得收入約18.33億港元,較2022年約15.36億港元增長約19.37%。然而,集團年內虧損約1.59億港元,對比2022年約4952萬港元的溢利,公司擁有人應佔虧損約1.94億港元,較2022年約1529萬港元的溢利大幅下降。流動比率為3.25,負債比率為2.70%。董事會建議派付末期股息每股0.12港仙,與2022年持平。康健國際表示,收入增加主要由於醫療服務需求增加,以及收購Central Medical Holdings Limited後的貢獻。虧損則因投資物業公平值虧損及資產減值虧損增加所致。展望未來,康健國際將繼續支持政府推動基層醫療政策,並計劃進一步加強與自營及聯營醫務中心的合作,提供更高效、更全面的醫療保健服務。
HEALTH INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL GROUP LIMITED (“HEALTH INTERNATIONAL”) ANNOUNCED ITS ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 WITH REVENUES OF APPROXIMATELY HK$18.33 MILLION, AN INCREASE OF APPROXIMATELY 19.37% COMPARED TO HK$15.36 BILLION IN 2022. However, the Group's loss in the year was approximately HK$1.59 million, compared with a profit of approximately HK$4952 million in 2022. Company owners reported a loss of approximately HK$1.94 million, a significant decrease from the profit of approximately HK$1529 million in 2022. The liquidity ratio is 3.25 and the debt ratio is 2.70%. The Board of Directors proposes to pay a final dividend of HK$0.12 cents per share, in line with 2022. Health International said the increase in revenue was mainly due to increased demand for medical services, as well as contributions from...Show More
HEALTH INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL GROUP LIMITED (“HEALTH INTERNATIONAL”) ANNOUNCED ITS ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 WITH REVENUES OF APPROXIMATELY HK$18.33 MILLION, AN INCREASE OF APPROXIMATELY 19.37% COMPARED TO HK$15.36 BILLION IN 2022. However, the Group's loss in the year was approximately HK$1.59 million, compared with a profit of approximately HK$4952 million in 2022. Company owners reported a loss of approximately HK$1.94 million, a significant decrease from the profit of approximately HK$1529 million in 2022. The liquidity ratio is 3.25 and the debt ratio is 2.70%. The Board of Directors proposes to pay a final dividend of HK$0.12 cents per share, in line with 2022. Health International said the increase in revenue was mainly due to increased demand for medical services, as well as contributions from the acquisition of Central Medical Holdings Limited. The loss is due to an increase in the fair value loss of the investment property and the loss of the depreciation of the assets. Looking ahead, Health International will continue to support the government in promoting grassroots health policies and plans to further strengthen cooperation with self-owned and affiliated medical centres to provide more efficient and comprehensive healthcare services.

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