

WYNN MACAU: Grant of Awards

香港交易所 ·  Mar 25 20:41
Summary by Futu AI
Wynn Macau Limited (“Wynn Macau”) announced on 25 March 2024 that, under its Employee Share Ownership Scheme, it has awarded a total of 6,977,787 shares to 152 employees, including one Executive Director, of which the Company has issued a share capital of approximately 0.13%. The Executive Director is Mr. Lo Waishin, who, along with the other two selected participants, is subject to the performance objectives of the Company's operating and financial performance. Reward shares will be allocated in batches according to different allotment periods, and in certain cases, if the service of a selected participant is terminated, the reward will automatically expire. The awards are not subject to the approval of the Company's shareholders and the Company has not provided any financial assistance to the selected participants to purchase the shares. This initiative aims to motivate employees, enhance the value of the company and contribute to the long-term growth of the company.
Wynn Macau Limited (“Wynn Macau”) announced on 25 March 2024 that, under its Employee Share Ownership Scheme, it has awarded a total of 6,977,787 shares to 152 employees, including one Executive Director, of which the Company has issued a share capital of approximately 0.13%. The Executive Director is Mr. Lo Waishin, who, along with the other two selected participants, is subject to the performance objectives of the Company's operating and financial performance. Reward shares will be allocated in batches according to different allotment periods, and in certain cases, if the service of a selected participant is terminated, the reward will automatically expire. The awards are not subject to the approval of the Company's shareholders and the Company has not provided any financial assistance to the selected participants to purchase the shares. This initiative aims to motivate employees, enhance the value of the company and contribute to the long-term growth of the company.

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