


HKEX ·  Mar 19, 2024 22:17

Summary by Futu AI

LI NING CO., LTD. ANNOUNCED ITS ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023, ACHIEVING REVENUES OF RMB275.98 BILLION, AN INCREASE OF 7.0% YEAR-ON-YEAR; THE GROSS MARGIN REMAINED 48.4%. Net operating cash flow increased to RMB46.88 billion, up 19.8% year-on-year. Equity holders accounted for a net profit of RMB 31.87 million with a net interest rate of 11.5%. The Board of Directors proposes to distribute a final dividend of RMB18.54 per ordinary share, an annual dividend of RMB54.74 per ordinary share, and a dividend rate of 45% for the whole year. Overall retail water flow grew by a low of 10% to 20%, channel inventories declined, and inventory turnover and building structures remained healthy. Underline retail sales also grew by a low 10% to 20%. THE COMPANY'S SHARES WERE LISTED ON THE MAIN BOARD OF THE HONG KONG STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED AND APPROVED TO PUBLISH THESE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS ON 19 MARCH 2024.
LI NING CO., LTD. ANNOUNCED ITS ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023, ACHIEVING REVENUES OF RMB275.98 BILLION, AN INCREASE OF 7.0% YEAR-ON-YEAR; THE GROSS MARGIN REMAINED 48.4%. Net operating cash flow increased to RMB46.88 billion, up 19.8% year-on-year. Equity holders accounted for a net profit of RMB 31.87 million with a net interest rate of 11.5%. The Board of Directors proposes to distribute a final dividend of RMB18.54 per ordinary share, an annual dividend of RMB54.74 per ordinary share, and a dividend rate of 45% for the whole year. Overall retail water flow grew by a low of 10% to 20%, channel inventories declined, and inventory turnover and building structures remained healthy. Underline retail sales also grew by a low 10% to 20%. THE COMPANY'S SHARES WERE LISTED ON THE MAIN BOARD OF THE HONG KONG STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED AND APPROVED TO PUBLISH THESE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS ON 19 MARCH 2024.

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