Summary by Futu AI
JIA SHUI GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNOUNCES THAT IT WILL HOLD A BOARD MEETING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2024 TO REVIEW AND APPROVE THE ANNUAL RESULTS AND PROPOSED DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2023. The meeting will address the financial performance of the Company and its subsidiaries and will be chaired by Mr. Kwok Ying-sheng, the Company's Chairman. Currently, the Executive Directors of the Company include Mr. Kwok Ying Shing, Mr. Sun Viet Nam, Mr. Mak Fan, Mr. Lee Hai Ming and Mr. Kwok Xiaogun; Ms. Chan Shao Wan as Non-Executive Directors; Mr. Rao Wing, Mr. Zhang Yee Chao and Mr. Liu Xue.