
General Motors | UPLOAD: Others

SEC ·  Jan 27, 2024 03:46

Summary by Futu AI

General Motors Co has received a follow-up comment from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. The SEC's letter, dated January 26, 2024, addressed to Paul A. Jacobson, Chief Financial Officer of General Motors, requests further clarification on the company's liquidity and capital resources, specifically regarding the consolidated level cash flows as per Item 303(b) of Regulation S-K. Additionally, the SEC seeks a more detailed explanation of General Motors' accounting for vehicle transfers to rental car companies, which are not being treated as leases. This appears to be a change from the company's previous accounting practices referenced in a 2017 preclearance. The SEC has asked General Motors to respond within ten business days or to provide a timeline for when they will respond. The letter also mentions potential additional comments after reviewing General Motors' response and includes contact information for SEC representatives for any questions related to the financial statements and related matters.
General Motors Co has received a follow-up comment from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. The SEC's letter, dated January 26, 2024, addressed to Paul A. Jacobson, Chief Financial Officer of General Motors, requests further clarification on the company's liquidity and capital resources, specifically regarding the consolidated level cash flows as per Item 303(b) of Regulation S-K. Additionally, the SEC seeks a more detailed explanation of General Motors' accounting for vehicle transfers to rental car companies, which are not being treated as leases. This appears to be a change from the company's previous accounting practices referenced in a 2017 preclearance. The SEC has asked General Motors to respond within ten business days or to provide a timeline for when they will respond. The letter also mentions potential additional comments after reviewing General Motors' response and includes contact information for SEC representatives for any questions related to the financial statements and related matters.

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