Summary by Futu AI
Kai Ming Medical -B (stock code: 2500) announces that Mr. Liu Yunyi, an independent non-executive director of the company, died on 7 February 2024. Mr. Liu has served as an Independent Non-Executive Director since July 2019 and has held important roles on the Nominating Committee of the Board, the Remuneration and Assessment Committee and the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors mourned the death of Mr. Liu and offered condolences to his family. Following Mr. Liu's death, the Company's Board of Directors constituted a number of requirements that did not comply with the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange of HKEx Limited, including the minimum number and proportion of independent non-executive directors, and the membership requirements of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committees. The Company will search for the right person to fill vacancies to comply with listing rules. In addition, the company's shares have been suspended from 23 November 2023 and will continue to be suspended until the conditions for the duplication are met.