Summary by Futu AI
METO CORPORATION (METO HOUSE) ANNOUNCES THAT ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES ENTERED INTO A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ON FEBRUARY 2, 2024 WITH THE SELLER, FOUNDER, FORMER FOUNDER AND SITECOOK GROUP, CONDITIONALLY AGREEING TO ACQUIRE THE ENTIRE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL OF ZCOOL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED. The total cost is $39,640,495, of which approximately $17.78 million will be paid in the issuance of new shares and the balance of approximately $21.86 million will be paid in cash. In addition, the StokoNet will be withdrawn upon completion of the options granted under the ESOP Program, with a total ESOP cost of $2,142,518. Preferred Shares and ESOP Preferred Shares will be issued within one business day of completion. The addition of EcoWeb Group is expected to bring synergies to Meitu's imaging and design products business. Upon completion of the acquisition, SitcoNet will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Meto. THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION SUBJECT TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 14 OF THE LISTING RULES.