


HKEX ·  Feb 2 08:54

Summary by Futu AI

美圖公司(美圖之家)宣布,其全資子公司於2024年2月2日與賣方、創始人、前創始人及站酷網集團簽訂買賣協議,條件性同意收購ZCOOL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED(站酷網)全部已發行股本。總代價為39,640,495美元,其中約17.78百萬美元將以發行新股份支付,餘額約21.86百萬美元將以現金支付。此外,站酷網根據ESOP計劃授予的期權將於完成時註銷,相關ESOP代價總額為2,142,518美元。代價股份及ESOP代價股份將於完成後一個營業日內發行。站酷網集團的加入預期將為美圖的影像及設計產品業務帶來協同效應。收購完成後,站酷網將成為美圖的間接全資子公司。該交易構成須予披露交易,須遵守上市規則第14章的公告及申報規定。
美圖公司(美圖之家)宣布,其全資子公司於2024年2月2日與賣方、創始人、前創始人及站酷網集團簽訂買賣協議,條件性同意收購ZCOOL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED(站酷網)全部已發行股本。總代價為39,640,495美元,其中約17.78百萬美元將以發行新股份支付,餘額約21.86百萬美元將以現金支付。此外,站酷網根據ESOP計劃授予的期權將於完成時註銷,相關ESOP代價總額為2,142,518美元。代價股份及ESOP代價股份將於完成後一個營業日內發行。站酷網集團的加入預期將為美圖的影像及設計產品業務帶來協同效應。收購完成後,站酷網將成為美圖的間接全資子公司。該交易構成須予披露交易,須遵守上市規則第14章的公告及申報規定。
METO CORPORATION (METO HOUSE) ANNOUNCES THAT ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES ENTERED INTO A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ON FEBRUARY 2, 2024 WITH THE SELLER, FOUNDER, FORMER FOUNDER AND SITECOOK GROUP, CONDITIONALLY AGREEING TO ACQUIRE THE ENTIRE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL OF ZCOOL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED. The total cost is $39,640,495, of which approximately $17.78 million will be paid in the issuance of new shares and the balance of approximately $21.86 million will be paid in cash. In addition, the StokoNet will be withdrawn upon completion of the options granted under the ESOP Program, with a total ESOP cost of $2,142,518. Preferred Shares and ESOP Preferred Shares will be issued within one business day of completion. The addition of EcoWeb Group is expected to bring synergies to Meitu's imaging and design products business. Upon completion of the acquisition, SitcoNet will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Meto. THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION SUBJECT TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 14 OF THE LISTING RULES.
METO CORPORATION (METO HOUSE) ANNOUNCES THAT ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES ENTERED INTO A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ON FEBRUARY 2, 2024 WITH THE SELLER, FOUNDER, FORMER FOUNDER AND SITECOOK GROUP, CONDITIONALLY AGREEING TO ACQUIRE THE ENTIRE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL OF ZCOOL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LIMITED. The total cost is $39,640,495, of which approximately $17.78 million will be paid in the issuance of new shares and the balance of approximately $21.86 million will be paid in cash. In addition, the StokoNet will be withdrawn upon completion of the options granted under the ESOP Program, with a total ESOP cost of $2,142,518. Preferred Shares and ESOP Preferred Shares will be issued within one business day of completion. The addition of EcoWeb Group is expected to bring synergies to Meitu's imaging and design products business. Upon completion of the acquisition, SitcoNet will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Meto. THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION SUBJECT TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 14 OF THE LISTING RULES.

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