

ICBC: Announcement of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors

HKEX ·  Feb 1 20:20
Summary by Futu AI
中國工商銀行(「工商銀行」或「本行」)於2024年2月1日在北京召開董事會會議,會議由陳四清董事長主持,並通過了多項重要議案。會議決定提名張文武先生為執行董事候選人,並提名莫里•洪恩(Murray Horn)先生為獨立董事候選人,兩項提名均獲全票通過。此外,會議還選舉廖林先生為新的董事長,接替因年齡原因辭職的陳四清先生。廖林先生的任職資格尚需國家金融監督管理總局核准。會議還審議通過了關於發行不超過600億元人民幣的總損失吸收能力非資本債務工具的議案,以及2024年度固定資產投資預算等。所有議案均需提交股東大會審議。本行第一次臨時股東大會擬於2024年2月29日召開。
中國工商銀行(「工商銀行」或「本行」)於2024年2月1日在北京召開董事會會議,會議由陳四清董事長主持,並通過了多項重要議案。會議決定提名張文武先生為執行董事候選人,並提名莫里•洪恩(Murray Horn)先生為獨立董事候選人,兩項提名均獲全票通過。此外,會議還選舉廖林先生為新的董事長,接替因年齡原因辭職的陳四清先生。廖林先生的任職資格尚需國家金融監督管理總局核准。會議還審議通過了關於發行不超過600億元人民幣的總損失吸收能力非資本債務工具的議案,以及2024年度固定資產投資預算等。所有議案均需提交股東大會審議。本行第一次臨時股東大會擬於2024年2月29日召開。
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (the “Industrial Commercial Bank” or the “Bank”) held a Board Meeting in Beijing on February 1, 2024, chaired by Chairman Chen Shiqing, and passed several important motions. The meeting decided to nominate Mr. Zhang Wenwu as Executive Director candidate and Mr. Murray Horn as Independent Director candidate, both nominations being approved by a full vote. In addition, the meeting also elected Mr. Liao Lin as the new Chairman of the Board, replacing Mr. Chan Siqing, who resigned due to age reasons. Mr. LIU Lin's qualifications for office are subject to approval by the State Administration of Financial Supervision. The meeting also examined the resolution on the issuance of non-capital debt instruments with a total loss absorbing capacity not exceeding RMB 600 billion, as well as the fixed asset investment budget for 2024. ALL MOTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION TO THE GENERAL MEETING FOR CONSIDERATION. The first Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bank is scheduled to be held on 29 February 2024.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (the “Industrial Commercial Bank” or the “Bank”) held a Board Meeting in Beijing on February 1, 2024, chaired by Chairman Chen Shiqing, and passed several important motions. The meeting decided to nominate Mr. Zhang Wenwu as Executive Director candidate and Mr. Murray Horn as Independent Director candidate, both nominations being approved by a full vote. In addition, the meeting also elected Mr. Liao Lin as the new Chairman of the Board, replacing Mr. Chan Siqing, who resigned due to age reasons. Mr. LIU Lin's qualifications for office are subject to approval by the State Administration of Financial Supervision. The meeting also examined the resolution on the issuance of non-capital debt instruments with a total loss absorbing capacity not exceeding RMB 600 billion, as well as the fixed asset investment budget for 2024. ALL MOTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION TO THE GENERAL MEETING FOR CONSIDERATION. The first Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bank is scheduled to be held on 29 February 2024.

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