Summary by Futu AI
Kingkey Financial International (Holdings) Limited (“Keiki Finance”) announced on 26 January 2024 that it has received a request from its principal shareholder Kingkey Holdings (International) Limited (the “Petitioner”), holding approximately 41.71% of the shares in the Company, to request the convening of a Special General Meeting. The request was made on January 25 and has been confirmed as valid. In accordance with the Articles of Association and the Listing Rules, the Board of Directors must begin preparations for the Special Meeting of Shareholders within 21 days of receipt of the request and within two months of the request being made. The main agenda of the meeting included revoking the general mandate of the Board of Directors, removing existing directors (other than Mr. Chan Ka Chun), appointing new directors, and changing the name of the company. The Company will make further announcements regarding the holding of the Extraordinary General Meeting in due course. Shareholders and potential investors should trade company shares with caution.