


HKEX ·  Jan 30 16:30
Summary by Futu AI
烯石電動汽車新材料控股有限公司(「烯石電車新材料」)於2024年1月30日宣布,已向Shashi Doni配發及發行596,153股換股股份。該轉換是根據Shashi Doni持有的可換股票據所附帶的換股權行使,按初步換股價每股0.65港元計算,涉及本金額為50,000美元。轉換後,該等換股股份將與公司其他現有已發行普通股享有同等權益,並將佔公司擴大後已發行普通股總數的約0.07%。轉換前後,公司的股權架構亦有所變動,其中執行董事及行政總裁陳奕仁先生及主席及執行董事劉興達先生分別透過個人及全資擁有的公司持有公司股份。本次股份轉換不會影響公司優先股的持股結構。
烯石電動汽車新材料控股有限公司(「烯石電車新材料」)於2024年1月30日宣布,已向Shashi Doni配發及發行596,153股換股股份。該轉換是根據Shashi Doni持有的可換股票據所附帶的換股權行使,按初步換股價每股0.65港元計算,涉及本金額為50,000美元。轉換後,該等換股股份將與公司其他現有已發行普通股享有同等權益,並將佔公司擴大後已發行普通股總數的約0.07%。轉換前後,公司的股權架構亦有所變動,其中執行董事及行政總裁陳奕仁先生及主席及執行董事劉興達先生分別透過個人及全資擁有的公司持有公司股份。本次股份轉換不會影響公司優先股的持股結構。
On January 30, 2024, Lenshi Electric Motor Vehicle New Materials Holdings Limited (“New Materials”) announced that 596,153 shares of common stock have been issued and issued to Shashi Doni. The conversion is based on the exercise of the exchange option attached to the convertible shares held by Shashi Doni, calculated at an initial exchange price of HK$0.65 per share, involving the amount of $50,000. Upon conversion, the convertible shares will have equal equity to the Company's other existing issued ordinary shares and will increase the Company's share of approximately 0.07% of the total issued ordinary shares after the Company expands. Prior to and after the conversion, the Company's shareholding structure also changed, with the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Yi-Jen Chen and Chairman and Executive Director Mr. Liu Xingda holding company shares in individual and wholly owned companies, respectively. This share conversion will not affect the holding structure of the Company's preferred shares.
On January 30, 2024, Lenshi Electric Motor Vehicle New Materials Holdings Limited (“New Materials”) announced that 596,153 shares of common stock have been issued and issued to Shashi Doni. The conversion is based on the exercise of the exchange option attached to the convertible shares held by Shashi Doni, calculated at an initial exchange price of HK$0.65 per share, involving the amount of $50,000. Upon conversion, the convertible shares will have equal equity to the Company's other existing issued ordinary shares and will increase the Company's share of approximately 0.07% of the total issued ordinary shares after the Company expands. Prior to and after the conversion, the Company's shareholding structure also changed, with the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Yi-Jen Chen and Chairman and Executive Director Mr. Liu Xingda holding company shares in individual and wholly owned companies, respectively. This share conversion will not affect the holding structure of the Company's preferred shares.

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