Summary by Futu AI
China Ruyi Holdings Limited (“China Ruyi”) announced on 28 January 2024 that it has entered into a fourth supplemental agreement with each of the independent underwriters, further extending the closing date and final issue date under the original share subscription agreement to 31 March 2024, based on commercial considerations. This action follows on from the announcements and circulars of 4 July 2023, 30 August, 7 September and 29 November 2023. China agreed that all other terms and conditions remain unchanged and in full effect except the last dividend date. The Executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Kei Ming and Mr. Chang Keung and the Non-Executive Director is Mr. Yang Ming. The Independent Non-Executive Directors include Mr. Zhou Chengyan, Mr. Nie Chi Xin, Mr. Chan Hai Kuen and Professor Shi Shu-min.