
Cassava Sciences | 8-K: Entry into Material Definitive Agreements

Cassava Sciences | 8-K:簽訂重要最終協議

SEC announcement ·  01/03 13:00
Cassava Sciences, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, has announced the issuance of warrants to purchase additional shares of its common stock. The distribution of these warrants, referred to as the Warrant Distribution, was declared by the company's Board of Directors and is scheduled for January 3, 2024, to shareholders of record as of December 22, 2023. Each warrant allows the holder to buy one share of common stock at an exercise price of $33.00, along with a Bonus Share Fraction of 0.5 of a share, under certain conditions. The Bonus Share Fraction is available until a specified expiration date, which is determined by either a 30-day trading period price condition or a date set by the company with a minimum of 20 business days' notice. The warrants...Show More
Cassava Sciences, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, has announced the issuance of warrants to purchase additional shares of its common stock. The distribution of these warrants, referred to as the Warrant Distribution, was declared by the company's Board of Directors and is scheduled for January 3, 2024, to shareholders of record as of December 22, 2023. Each warrant allows the holder to buy one share of common stock at an exercise price of $33.00, along with a Bonus Share Fraction of 0.5 of a share, under certain conditions. The Bonus Share Fraction is available until a specified expiration date, which is determined by either a 30-day trading period price condition or a date set by the company with a minimum of 20 business days' notice. The warrants, which are redeemable by the company starting April 15, 2024, will expire on November 15, 2024, if not exercised. They are expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker 'SAVAW' from January 4, 2024. The company has filed a prospectus supplement for the registration of the shares associated with the warrants under its existing shelf registration statement. This move is part of Cassava Sciences' strategic financial activities and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities.
生物製藥公司Cassava Sciences, Inc. 宣佈發行認股權證,以購買其普通股的額外股份。這些認股權證(稱爲認股權證分配)由公司董事會宣佈,計劃於2024年1月3日分發給截至2023年12月22日的登記股東。在某些條件下,每份認股權證允許持有人以33.00美元的行使價購買一股普通股,並獲得每股0.5%的紅股分數。獎勵股份分數在指定的到期日之前有效,該到期日由30天交易期價格條件決定,或者由公司設定的至少提前20個工作日發出通知的日期決定。認股權證自2024年4月15日起可由公司兌換,如果不行使,將於2024年11月15日到期。預計它們將從2024年1月4日起在納斯達克資本市場開始交易,股票代碼爲 “SAVAW”。該公司已根據其現有的上架註冊聲明提交了與認股權證相關的股份註冊的招股說明書補充文件。此舉是Cassava Sciences戰略財務活動的一部分,不構成賣出要約或收購證券要約的邀請。
生物製藥公司Cassava Sciences, Inc. 宣佈發行認股權證,以購買其普通股的額外股份。這些認股權證(稱爲認股權證分配)由公司董事會宣佈,計劃於2024年1月3日分發給截至2023年12月22日的登記股東。在某些條件下,每份認股權證允許持有人以33.00美元的行使價購買一股普通股,並獲得每股0.5%的紅股分數。獎勵股份分數在指定的到期日之前有效,該到期日由30天交易期價格條件決定,或者由公司設定的至少提前20個工作日發出通知的日期決定。認股權證自2024年4月15日起可由公司兌換,如果不行使,將於2024年11月15日到期。預計它們將從2024年1月4日起在納斯達克資本市場開始交易,股票代碼爲 “SAVAW”。該公司已根據其現有的上架註冊聲明提交了與認股權證相關的股份註冊的招股說明書補充文件。此舉是Cassava Sciences戰略財務活動的一部分,不構成賣出要約或收購證券要約的邀請。


