
龍源電力:關連交易 - 收購七家目標公司100%股權


HKEX ·  Dec 29, 2023 22:43

Summary by Futu AI

LONGYUAN POWER'S WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY LONGYUAN SHANGHAI SIGNED A SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT ON 29 DECEMBER 2023 WITH DONG ENERGY XINYUAN, XINYUAN 1 AND NATIONAL ENERGY LOW CARBON FUND TO ACQUIRE 100% OF THE SHARES OF SEVEN TARGET COMPANIES FOR A TOTAL TRANSACTION PRICE OF RMB67,969.53 MILLION. The transaction makes the target company an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Longyuan Power, further strengthening its market share in the new energy sector. Once the transaction is completed, Longyuan Power will achieve cost savings, increase generation revenue and improve profitability through economies of scale, enhancing competitiveness. THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A CONNECTED TRANSACTION, AS THE NATIONAL ENERGY GROUP IS THE CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER OF LONGYUAN POWER AND HOLDS APPROXIMATELY 58.44% OF THE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY. The financial advisor of the transaction is EY Accounting Firm. The asset assessment is carried out by Beijing China Enterprise Asset Valuation Co., Ltd., and has been confirmed by the Board of Directors to confirm that the profit forecast has been prepared after appropriate and prudent enquiries.
LONGYUAN POWER'S WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY LONGYUAN SHANGHAI SIGNED A SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT ON 29 DECEMBER 2023 WITH DONG ENERGY XINYUAN, XINYUAN 1 AND NATIONAL ENERGY LOW CARBON FUND TO ACQUIRE 100% OF THE SHARES OF SEVEN TARGET COMPANIES FOR A TOTAL TRANSACTION PRICE OF RMB67,969.53 MILLION. The transaction makes the target company an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Longyuan Power, further strengthening its market share in the new energy sector. Once the transaction is completed, Longyuan Power will achieve cost savings, increase generation revenue and improve profitability through economies of scale, enhancing competitiveness. THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A CONNECTED TRANSACTION, AS THE NATIONAL ENERGY GROUP IS THE CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER OF LONGYUAN POWER AND HOLDS APPROXIMATELY 58.44% OF THE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY. The financial advisor of the transaction is EY Accounting Firm. The asset assessment is carried out by Beijing China Enterprise Asset Valuation Co., Ltd., and has been confirmed by the Board of Directors to confirm that the profit forecast has been prepared after appropriate and prudent enquiries.

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