
合富輝煌:聯合公告 (1) 有關碧桂園物業香港自China-net Holding Ltd. 就合富輝煌股份之可能收購事項而根據收購守則規則3.7 作出的公告及 (2) 合富輝煌根據特別授權發行新合富輝煌股份及合富輝煌關連交易

HOPEFLUENT: Joint Announcement (1) Announcement Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code in relation to the Possible Acquisition of Hopefluent Shares by CGS HK from China-net Holding Ltd. And (2) Issue of New Hopefluent Shares by Hopefluent under Specifi

HKEX ·  Nov 6, 2023 22:39

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