
美国前财长萨默斯:美联储大幅放缓缩表的决定拉响警报 揭示了债市脆弱性

Former US Treasury Secretary Summers: The Federal Reserve's decision to significantly slow down the balance sheet reduction raises alarms and reveals the vulnerability of the Bonds market.

Breakings ·  Mar 20 19:55

Former US Treasury Secretary Summers stated that the Federal Reserve's decision to significantly slow down the pace of balance sheet reduction releases a troubling signal regarding the market's demand for long-term federal debt. Summers said, "This should raise concerns; it's a worrying trend." He indicated that this move suggests that Federal Reserve decision-makers believe that "the market's absorption capacity for long-term Bonds is limited." Federal Reserve officials stated on Wednesday that they will reduce the cap on the amount of US Treasuries that will not be reinvested after maturity from $25 billion to $5 billion. Although Federal Reserve Chairman Powell mentioned that the discussions among decision-makers regarding this issue were related to the federal debt ceiling, this decision also reflects a broader discussion about the appropriate pace of the Algo tightening plan.

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