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Tesla's stock price has been halved, yet it hasn't stopped retail investors from enthusiastically buying the dip.

Breakings ·  Mar 20 10:12

Since reaching its peak in December last year, Tesla's Market Cap has shrunk by about half, while its PE remains above 100 times. However, whenever there is a "falling knife", there are always day traders ready to catch it. JPMorgan's latest edition of the "Retail Radar" weekly report shows that in the past week, retail investors net bought $12.5 billion, of which as much as $8.3 billion flowed into individual stocks, with Tesla accounting for $3.2 billion and NVIDIA for $1.9 billion, together making up more than half. The remaining part of the "Magnificent Seven" contributed another $1 billion. Notably, retail investors have bought Tesla for 12 consecutive days, increasing their Shareholding by a total of $7.3 billion. Although this is not the longest record for retail investors buying Tesla in succession, this is the largest scale during all "buying waves" in the past decade.

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