
巴菲特加仓日本商社 投资者猜测:或进入基础设施和能源领域交易

Buffett increases his holdings in Japanese trading companies, investors speculate: may enter trades in the infrastructure and Energy sectors.

Breakings ·  Mar 17 18:57

The latest documents show that Berkshire has further increased its stake in Japan's five major trading companies. Analysts believe that Buffett's continued Buy of Japanese Stocks is because the current trading prices of Japanese trading companies are far below peak levels, so he may see this as an opportunity to Buy more Stocks. With the substantial changes in Trump's tariff policy, market uncertainties have increased, but trading companies cover a wide range of Businesses, so Buffett may consider them a safe bet. Given that trading companies remain the only field of Buffett's investment in Japan, some investors speculate that Berkshire may leverage its stake in trading companies to enter transactions in the infrastructure and Energy sectors, which are significant Global interests for USA companies. Particularly after Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba met with USA President Donald Trump, it was stated that the increase in Japanese investment in the USA and the rise in USA's liquefied Henry Hub Natural Gas procurement volume are among the important achievements. (Securities Times)

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