
印度收紧监管令投机者离场 零售期权交易降至三年低点

India Tightens Regulations, Causing Speculators to Exit; Retail Options Trading Falls to a Three-Year Low.

Breakings ·  Mar 17 03:55

Retail options trading activity in India has fallen to a three-year low, marking an initial victory for the country's market regulators who implemented strict measures at the end of last year to curb the derivatives frenzy. Data shows that since the Securities and Exchange Board of India imposed the first set of restrictions last November, the 30-day rolling average of options contracts traded by individual investors on the National Stock Exchange of India has decreased by 77%. The latest data indicates that the number of derivatives traders in January has also dropped to its lowest level in 17 months, while the Volume on major Exchanges has significantly declined. The sharp drop in individual participation rates suggests that the retail-driven options trading frenzy in India has come to an end. This frenzy once made India the largest options trading market in the Global arena. With the decline in trading volume, options prices have risen as the bid-ask spreads widened.

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