
泛远国际发盈喜 预计年度股东应占溢利不少于6000万元 同比增加约不少于120%

Fanyuan International announces a profit alert, expecting the annual profit attributable to Shareholders to be no less than 60 million yuan, an increase of no less than approximately 120% year-on-year.

Breakings ·  08:41

Fanyuan International (02516) announced that the group expects to achieve a profit attributable to owners of no less than 60 million yuan for the fiscal year 2024, which represents an increase of approximately no less than 120% compared to the year ending December 31, 2023 (approximately 27.3 million yuan). The expected profit growth is primarily due to the increased contribution from freight forwarding services and Other logistics services to revenue, and there are no listing expenses for the fiscal year 2024.

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