
美国12月消费者信贷创纪录最大增幅 信用卡余额和非循环信贷攀升

In December, the USA set a record for the largest increase in Consumer Crediting, with credit card balances and non-revolving credit rising.

Breakings ·  Feb 8 04:41

In December, the outstanding Consumer debt balance in the USA unexpectedly recorded the largest increase ever, reflecting the rise in credit card balances and non-revolving Creditings. According to data released by the Federal Reserve on Friday, the total Consumer credit increased by $40.8 billion in December, after a revised decline of $5.4 billion in November. This figure exceeded the estimates of all economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The data is not adjusted for inflation. The outstanding balances of credit cards and other revolving debts increased by $22.9 billion, significantly reversing the decline from the previous month.

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