
复宏汉霖今日收涨超3% H药汉斯状于欧盟获批上市

HENLIUS today closed up over 3%, with H drug Hanshu being approved for marketing in the European Union.

Breakings ·  Feb 6 17:41

HENLIUS (2696.HK) today closed up over 3%, achieving four consecutive gains, reported at 18.5 Hong Kong dollars. The stock has accumulated over 10% increase in the last four trading days. In terms of news, HENLIUS announced today that the anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody H drug Hanshu (srolizumab, European trade name: Hetronifly) has officially been approved by the European Commission (EC) for use in combination with carboplatin and etoposide for first-line treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) in adult patients, marking H drug as the first and only anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody approved for marketing in the EU for the treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer. H drug Hanshu has now been approved for marketing in China, Europe, and several countries in Southeast Asia, benefiting over 90,000 patients. Looking ahead, HENLIUS will work closely with partners to continue the approval process for H drug in more countries and regions, providing broader treatment options for more patients globally.

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